Monday, August 10, 2009

Summertime.. it changes all the time

chocolate with merinque frosting, so easy and delicious. this is what i did yesterday at midnight :) I'm finally back in baking mood and I am actually ready for school! Lately I have been sleeping in and hanging around during the day and working at Target all evening. I don't think we'll be working at the warehouse anymore, which isn't too bad cuz we were expecting to leave at the end of August anyway. School starts on August 31st, a Monday. Normally BYU starts the Tuesday after Labor Day, but not this year, bummer!

Here are pictures from our family visits!! First, Heidi and Mike and the boys came for a couple day visit and we had a barbeque and Uncle Scott and Julie's! We had so much fun :)

Then, My mom and Kayla came to visit for a week, to celebrate Pioneer Day, we went to Seven Peaks-for the first time, Trafalga, we ate and ate and cooked and baked and swam a lot, super fun!

all the while, we still had to work, but hey.. ya gotta do it!
we have been ALL Over the country this summer.. it is always changing!!

Ivan & Melissa
Together Forever

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