Tuesday, July 7, 2009

i seriously need a back massage

ivan always makes fun of me for the way i sleep. but really, he's entitled to! i just lay on my bed, cuddle up in wherever is comfortable at the time and fall asleep, i don't even move. most of the time my neck is at about 45-90 degree angle over a pillow and my whole body is sideways.
i'm just weird, i wake up moaning.
yesterday, ivan taught dance at the West Valley Hale children's camp :) he'll go back later this week too, just as soon as he can move his legs (j/k) but all day today ivan has struggled to even walk because his quads hurt so bad.. Couples Massage? I've only had one professional massage in my life (which i understand is more that most) and it was really lame. my complaint is that she was way to gentle, i guess I'm just used to screaming for pain in the training room, i've just become accustomed to that. What would really make us feel better is a soak in the hot tub, but last week our hot tub broke down :(, well the Cambria hot tub. It could be ours. Ivan and I are so desperate we started making up songs dedicated to the hot tub.

We're living in the Pleasant Grove townhome now and we love it. But just because neither of us have full-time jobs right now, we spend way to much time here. If anyone is ever as bored as us and wants to pick up a good tv series, ivan and i will testify to HIMYM. They're only $19.99 at Target, which is a lot better than most series, like the Office for $39.99.

Unfortunately, we've finished. Always sad to know that you have to wait until September to find out what happens next! And thanks to Courtney Henderson for introducing this to us last January! Fortunately/ Not, we've moved on and finally plugged in our Wii. Ivan rented an Indiana Jones game, but I'm delaying touching the Wii as long as possible. Back in Georgia, I would actually delay sleep just because I was so obsessed.. Oh beloved city making. My Sims, it's a girl's game. There, I said it.

Ivan and I decided we wanted to gain eternal blessings, so we got ready to go to the temple! Our nearest temple in the Timpanogos Temple now and it is BEAUTIFUL!! We got there at 8:01, and yes, they were closed. It's a pretty bad feeling, where did all the time go? So we're going tomorrow at 9am, hopefully. We're not really morning people. Mornings are the worst time for my allergies, so I blame it on "i'm allergic to the mornings"
Well, now you all know what great big geeks we are, we watch romantic sitcoms, play on our Wii and we have a dog that runs around in circles in the backyard for enjoyment! YeeHaw!
Life Rocks! It really does! I am so so excited for the fall and the rest of the Summer. May I toast to many more comfortable sideways nights!

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